
June 1 2023

The 18th Scientific Annual International Conference for Business occurred at Al-Zaytoonah University in Amman, Jordan

Josep Alzamora presented the paper “Business Sustainability in Hypercompetitive Contexts.”

Hosted by the Business Faculty of the Al-Zaytoonah University of Amman (Jordan), the 18th Scientific Annual International Conference for Business took place, which was inaugurated by Dr. Talal Abu Ghazaleh to discuss sustainability and cutting-edge business technologies.

From 22 to 24 May, 64 papers were presented by researchers from 28 countries. The issues discussed covered a wide range of subjects, from the impact of banks on the financial systems of different countries to the application of artificial intelligence.

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Josep Alzamora has had the honor of chairing the round table of conferences on Human-Technology Interaction. In addition, his presentation Business Sustainability in Hypercompetitive Contexts has aroused a lot of interest, since it is a completely disruptive proposal, in contrast to the massive use of digital marketing that today, and increasingly, is the most common way to try to reach potential customers.

In his presentation, Mr. Alzamora invited the audience to reflect on the difficulties of saturation that, as consumers, we bear daily with constant advertising impacts through all the technological platforms used on a regular basis. His proposal offers us a reflection and a methodology in which a clearly perceived added value is the key to generating interest in our potential clients.

It should be appreciated that, during all the days of the conference, there have been constant signs of hospitality and welcome from the entire organization of the event, from the management of Al-Zaytoonah University, as well as from all the local people participating in the conference. We would especially like to thank the extraordinary fraternal hospitality offered by Professor Osama Sha'ban and his family.

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