
February 21 2023

On February 10th, an international conference in Alicante was organized by syncplexity. It brought together a group of entrepreneurs, retailers, and experts to discuss the future of commerce and its necessary transformation.

The SPX Prestige Conference 2023 will be repeated periodically and is intended to serve as a forum to share the problems of SMEs and retail. This edition's purpose was to discuss the issues in the traditional commercial sector with the title: The Future of Commerce.

During the conference, keys to consolidation and transformation were suggested in the different presentations. They started with the methodology proposed by syncplexity and Josep Alzamora's team to turn the traditional retail trade into an increasingly competitive sector based on the consolidation of prestige as an engine of trust and as a pole of attraction of potential customers. Next, Toni Miranda explained how it is possible to ensure the viability of a business, photography and image, using the power of the voice of our customers, mastering the exercise of listening to them, and transforming their expectations into attractive solutions that match what they really want. The presentation on a new paradigm for a sector as conservative as the world of law by Abraham Nájera followed and explained that a transformation and renewal of their models and work systems is possible, giving excellent results, both economically and in satisfaction for their customers. The keys to new technologies were also explained by Claudio Andrés, pointing out the crucial details we should not skip if we want to rely on robust, reliable information and work systems that help us progress quickly in our businesses.

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The day continued with a Round Table in which retailers from different sectors (José Luís Ferrando, Desi Domenech, Francisco Moltó) presented their problems and how they are working to overcome them and fit into the new scenario of hypercompetitive markets. Joyce Orsini gave the honorary lecture via telematics in direct connection with the U.S. In this lecture, Dr. Orsini explained the importance of constantly searching for the "Whys" and not stopping continuously questioning everything that happens so that the wheel of reflection, learning, and continuous improvement does not stop turning.

In the closing speech by Josep Alzamora, the proposals for the future and the paths of a necessary evolution to continue providing the best-added value to all companies and friends who rely on syncplexity to lead their businesses and their plans for life and future to success were raised.

As a conclusion of the event, it is necessary to break the schemes of what has been, until recently, the traditional way of managing our companies. Beyond being professionals regarding our businesses, we must learn to be good managers for our projects and that some methodologies and keys help us in a simple, robust, and efficient way on our way to success. With the necessary motivation and effort, it is in our hands to achieve it.

We would like to publicly thank the more than 40 participants who contributed to their involvement in the event's success.

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