
February 23 2023

Josep Alzamora participated in the 11th International Conference on New Ideas in Management, Economics, and Accounting.

The event took place in Barcelona from February 17 to 19, with attendees from India, Nigeria, United Arab Emirates, Taiwan, Jordan, Cambodia, Portugal, Japan, and the USA, among others.

With this participation, Josep Alzamora and syncplexity conclude the series of conferences entitled "The Future of Retail" that have been the subject of interest in different forums (Cambridge, August 2022; Vienna, November 2022; Alicante, February 2023; Barcelona, February 2023).

The purpose of this series of conferences is to discuss the problems faced by the retail sector, which is increasingly facing hyper-competitive markets, and the solutions that the model developed by Alzamora can provide.
The keys of the Expansive Emotional Influence methodology, developed by Josep Alzamora and his team for over two decades and with professional experiences in different countries, have been explained throughout the various presentations. The process of business transformation, whose central axis is a profound personal change, is focused on understanding ourselves, our own companies, and all external agents that affect our businesses, putting customers at the center of everything. This transformation must lead us to be increasingly competitive in our markets, working to become increasingly benchmarks.

The Alcoi Prestige project, initiated in 2019, helped all participating businesses during the most challenging moments of the crisis produced by the COVID-19 pandemic, with really positive results in practically all of them.
We work intensively with people, both owners and employees, as well as elements that until now had been very neglected in the sector due to the classic conviction that small businesses do not require the effort to collect their data and take to another level the necessary analysis to convert them into robust information that leads us to make the best decisions. Breaking the traditionally accepted paradigms and bringing business into the 21st century is one of the most important challenges that syncplexity has faced, which has been discussed in this round of conferences.

All this has been possible thanks to the support of the Commerce Department of Alcoi’s City Council, and local trade associations and SMEs. We would especially like to thank all the businesses and people who, with their commitment and trust, have made this wonderful experience possible. Thank you very much from the syncplexity team to each and every one of them.



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